We are delighted to announce our second keynote speaker Professor Katarzyna Więckowska from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, has confirmed her participation in our conference.
Katarzyna Więckowska is Associate Professor in the Department of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Comparative Studies, at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, and member of the Lab for Exclusion and Alienation Research (LEAR). Her research interests include environmental criticism, critical studies on men and masculinities, feminist criticism, discourses of exclusion, and contemporary Anglophone literature. Her most recent work focuses on hauntology, post-anthropocentric ethics of care, solarpunk, climate witnessing, and displacement. She is the author of Spectres of Men: Masculinity, Crisis, and British Literature (2014) and On Alterity: A Study of Monstrosity and Otherness (2008), editor of The Gothic: Studies in History, Identity and Space (2020), and co-editor of the themed issues of Theoria et Historia Scientiarum (Spectrality and Cognition: Haunted Cultures, Ghostly Communications, 2017) and AVANT. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies (Haunted Cultures/Haunting Cultures, 2017, and Altering Authorships: The Author Function in Contemporary Cultural and Literary Practices, 2021).
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